You have 🧲, Gold 🧲, and Platinum 🧲.

Your Magnet Multiplier = You gain mags/sec.
You gain gold mags/sec.

Not enough magnets!
Unlocked Auto Magnet Collect

Need to have unlocked the auto-buy first.

Automators under construction. Nothing works at the moment.


Need 150,000 Gold Magnets to unlock this!

More Diamond Magnet upgrades in v3.3.

You have 0 Diamond Magnets.

Need 5 Platinum Magnets to unlock this!

All Player Stats (Reset on prestige)


All Player Stats (Permanent)


All Multiply Stats


Prestige Stats


Right now you cannot prestige. You need 1 billion magnets.


Revival of the old The Magnet Game.
Lots of stuff was broken in the old one so I decided to remake it.
Now has a saving system! No more worrying!

Collect Magnets by clicking buttons.
Auto Collect to get in further progression.
Gold Magnets for extra boost.
Prestige to get platinum magnets and more boosts.
More in the "Help" tab!

v3.14-revival (Number of PI)
(Check Update Log for more)

Update Logs:

v2.0-revival (02-11-2021):
Started work on a new game.
Ended up making a revival version of "The Magnet" game as stuff in the previous one had broken stuff.

v2.1-revival (02-28-2021):
Added this update log that you are seeing right now.
Added auto magnet collect and a few stuff.

v2.11-revival (03-01-2021):
Added size-changing elements upon resize to a smaller window, making stuff not so far to get to.
Added 1 more image to the Auto-Earn Magnets Button.

v2.12-revival (03-01-2021):
Updated About Tab.
Changed functions for Auto Collect.
Tiny button picture update.
Changed down the 1st Multiplier.

v2.13-revival (03-02-2021):
Tweaked Gold Magnet Cost.
Updated Prestige.
Changed a few stuff.

v2.2-revival (03-03-2021):
Added gold magnet upgrades.
(Can be unlocked at 2 platinum magnets)
Currently only one.
Will be more in next updates.
Updated the "stats" tab.

v2.21.change-revival (03-05-2021):
Added News (Currently does not move right, just stays permanently still.)
Added Export, currently not working.

v2.22-revival (03-06-2021):
Added only one music.
Updated news.

v2.23-revival (03-06-2021):
Updated prestige functions, made better boosts.
Added Prestige Stats.
Added a few extra news.
Changed quite some stuff.

v3.0.change-revival (03-07-2021):
Added loading screen. Is buggy at the moment.
Added colors to magnet numbers.
Disabled all selecting text.
News text now scrolls from right to left.
Changed more visuals.
Added a saving system, no more data loss! Saves every 10 seconds.
Also added export/import save code.

v3.01-revival (03-08-2021):
Removed scrolling news as there was zoom issues on mobile.
Buffed prestige boost multiplier, was too powerful.
Added "Save" button in the Options tab.
Buffed Auto Collect Multi.

v3.02-revival (03-10-2021):
Added number format. (Will change a bit later on)
Fixed prestige (Should be the last time)

v3.1-revival (03-11-2021):
Added timewalls to make for slower progression.
Changed a few visuals.

v3.11-revival (03-12-2021):
Added tutorial for players who first started playing this game.
Adding modal display for prestige later on.
Added message to upcoming keycodes to Android devices.

v3.12-revival (03-13-2021):
Updated news again.
Changed prestige once again.
Added 3 more music. (Might not add more due to copyright issues)

v3.13-revival (03-14-2021):
Added In-game time.
Changed auto collect multiplier.

v3.14-revival (03-15-2021):
Updated number format.
Added secret.

Upcoming in v3.2:
Adding more gold magnet upgrades.
Upcoming in v3.3:
Adding keycodes.

These updates won't come just yet until the upcoming few days or weeks, if the dev is inactive.

Help Tab

How to play this game? You have come to the right place.

In this game, magnets are the main currency of the game.
Each button click gives you a certain number of magnets.
There is 8 different buttons for continuously increasing your magnet multiplier, if you cannot afford the larger ones.
The 5th one gives off big boost.
At 1250 magnets, you can get Gold Magnets and increase your magnet multiplier by 1.15x.
Buying Gold Magnets means all other magnets are removed.
You will unlock Gold Magnet upgrades after you get 5 platinum magnets.
At 3000 magnets, you can unlock Auto-Magnets.
The magnets will only go up by 6/sec, but you can buy an upgrade to increase the gain.
At 5000 magnets, you can buy the upgrade for the Auto-Magnets.

After around 100000 magnets is when timewalls start coming in.
It slows down gameplay.

After 1 billion magnets, you can prestige, get a good Gold Magnet gain (instead of just one every time).
Also you can get platinum magnets.

If you report too much boost let the dev know! It will be fixed ASAP.

There is currently only one upgrade for this, but there will be more very soon!

Enjoy your journey to the game that is still "under construction".
The dev haven't gone any farther than 5 platinum magnets yet so you will reach the end of game easily, or you might get infinity.
Game autosaves every 10 seconds to prevent data loss.


Music function taken from Ordinal Markup
Game saving from SuperSpruce

Keycodes getting added in v3.3. Will not work on mobile devices.

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